Miss Africa GB 2024 Application

Your chance to become Miss Africa Great Britain 2024

To be in the race for Miss Africa GB 2024, please complete the application form below.

  • You will receive details of the auditions only after successfully submitting your application and only if you have been selected to audition.
  • Please understand that the selection process starts from the application form stage.
  • Please choose the cities you will like to represent at the finals below.

Application Form - Personal Information

Please enter a valid First Name

Please enter a valid Last Name

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Please enter a valid phone number

Please enter your age

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Your Postal Address
Please Enter your postal Address

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Please enter your postal code

Application Form - Choose a Miss Title

Please select your choice of Miss title based on your location

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Upload Photos

Please upload 2 (Two) clear photos of yourself. One MUST be be full length. Please do not send photos with filters or selfies as your application will not be considered.
Please upload a valid photo before submission

Please upload a valid photo before submission

Please tell us how you heard about us

Please confirm that you are eligible to compete

You must agree to the Code of Conduct and Title Agreement before submitting your apllication

You must confirm that you understand and agree that all fees are non refundable

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Our main goal is to is to use the allure of beauty Queens and models as tools to advocate for the needy and campaign or fund-raise for the less privileged.  Our model is not just to raise funds for causes, but also to supervise and execute these projects. This ensures that funds are used for the sole purpose they were raised for.

We Are Social

Our Address

Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

  • 447830970465

  • info@missafricagb.com

    We reply within 24 hours

Business Hours

Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday            11am - 5pm 
©2025 Miss Africa Great Britain. All Rights Reserved.


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